Cancer Tests Every Woman Should Get: Cancer is such a disease that can be completely avoided if detected early. But unfortunately, there is a huge lack of awareness regarding cancer screening. Most of the women do not get themselves checked for cancer on time, due to which they have to face death. According to WHO, breast and cervical cancer are the top 4 cancers in women due to which most women die. The month of September is celebrated as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month. This means that if there is awareness among society and women, then cancers related to reproductive health can be easily avoided. For this, some tests need to be done on time. With this, cancer can be detected in the early stages.

Why is a cancer test necessary in women?
In the news of Indian Express, Gynecologist of Cygnus Lakshmi Hospital, Dr. Manjari Gupta says that every woman should get gynecological tests done regularly. With this, cancer will be detected before time and then the disease can be easily avoided. On the other hand, the danger of HPV will also be known. HPP is responsible for cervical cancer in women. There is also an HPV vaccine which every woman should get. By getting regular checkups done, reproductive health remains better and overall health remains good. Now let us know which are the 7 cancer tests that every woman should undergo.

These cancer tests are necessary for every woman
1. Pap Smear- To always improve reproductive health, every woman should get a Pap smear test done routinely. Every woman between the ages of 21 to 65 years must undergo a Pap smear test once in three years. With this, cancer in the reproductive organs will be detected early.

2. HPV test- Human papillomavirus is most responsible for cancer in the cervix. Due to the attack of this virus, changes begin to occur in the cells of the reproductive organs. This test is done after the age of 25 years. Usually, an HPV test is done along with a Pap smear. Cervical cancer can be prevented by this.

3. Colposcopy- there is any problem in the Pap smear, then the doctor recommends colposcopy. In this, the things inside the cervix are seen very minutely in which cancerous lesions are identified.

4. Transvaginal Ultrasound-Transvaginal ultrasound is used to detect cancer cells in many parts of a woman's body. With this, risky cancers occurring in the pelvic, ovary, and uterus are identified.

5. BRCA genetic testing – In this, BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are identified. Both these genes are responsible for breast and ovarian cancer.

6. CA-125 blood test-CA-125 blood test is done after 30 years. CA-125 protein is detected in this. If it increases in the blood, there is a risk of ovarian cancer.

7. Endometrial tissue test – In this, any kind of defect in the endometrial cells is detected. There is a risk of uterine cancer due to this.
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