Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common health problem in women, in which the risk of many types of complications increases due to an imbalance of hormones in the body. The amount of hormone called androgen increases in the body of women suffering from PCOS. Androgens, known as male sex hormones, can increase the risk of women having menstrual problems, facial hair growth, and mental health disorders.

If PCOS is not diagnosed or treated timely, it increases the risk of many long-term health disorders.

Health experts say that even though this is a common problem among women, most of them remain unaware of it. This is the reason why studies have found that PCOS is not diagnosed in about 70 percent of women, hence many types of diseases increase internally.

This disease is common in reproductive age group
The World Health Organization (WHO) says that an estimated 8-13 percent of reproductive-aged women may have PCOS, although 60-70% of affected women worldwide remain undiagnosed. Health experts believe that the main reason for delay in diagnosis is the lack of information and education about this disease among women.

Some women hesitate to go to the doctor, the symptoms of this disease are not very obvious or they are similar to other menstrual problems due to which the disease is not detected on time.

Let us know which signs you need to be alerted to as soon as they appear.

The problem of irregular periods
There can be many reasons for the duration of menstruation being less or not being regular, but if you have this problem again and again, then it becomes necessary to pay serious attention to it and seek doctor's advice. If menstruation occurs frequently or lasts longer than the normal period, then it can be considered a problem of PCOS.

Health experts say that if the problem of PCOS is not taken care of, it can also lead to problems in pregnancy.

Risk of abnormal hair growth
Women with PCOS are often at risk of abnormal hair growth. Due to this, hair can grow on your face, arms, chest, and stomach. Such symptoms are seen in 70% of patients suffering from PCOS. Along with hair growth, this disease also increases the risk of skin-related problems. The risk of acne has been seen to be higher in PCOS.

Obesity can increase rapidly
40 to 60 percent of women suffering from PCOS are at risk of gaining weight. Problems like excess facial hair, acne, and obesity can also increase the risk of mental health disorders. Overweight condition also increases the risk of chronic diseases like heart problems and diabetes over time, hence it is important to pay serious attention to these signs in time.
​(PC: iStock)