What is your home remedy for itching in the genital area? See, itching and infection in the vaginal or penile area can occur in any way and sometimes it can also be considered a sign of some major disease. In one way, itching and infection in the intimate area occurs due to hygiene problems. You need to understand that itching and discomfort in the intimate area is not something that you can just ignore.

First of all, it is important to know why this kind of situation occurs. We talked to Dr Anjali Kumar, gynecologist of CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, regarding itching of the genital area. She has given us some information related to this.

What are the reasons for itching in the genital area?

Due to skin condition – It is possible that there may be some kind of problem in the skin of the genital area. There is also a type of fungal infection called Jock Itch which damages the skin of the genital area. This especially happens to athletes or people who wear too-tight clothes.

Yeast infection- The most common cause of vaginal itching is a yeast infection, which women suffer from at some point in their lives. Here, problems like wearing synthetic clothes, difficulty in vaginal discharge, itching etc. can occur. At such times it becomes very important to talk to a gynecologist.

Due to allergic reaction – There can be some kind of allergic reaction in the genital area which can cause problems. This can happen to everyone from children to adults.

If an attempt is made to apply intimate wash, cream, soap aromatic scent etc. on the genital area, then an allergic reaction is natural. Apart from this, in some cases wet wipes, perfumed soaps, tight synthetic clothes etc. also cause problems.

Due to Psoriasis – This skin condition can also occur in the genital area. This problem can occur in the vulva and anal area as well as in the thighs.

Any other reason- Many things can happen here including bacterial infection, skin worms, and skin cancer. If vaginal itching has been going on for a long time, you should seek medical advice. Many times this type of problem is also seen during menopause.

Home remedies that can provide relief

There are many types of home remedies mentioned on Google like applying baking soda, washing the intimate area with alum etc. But none of these are verified by doctors. Any such remedy can further irritate your intimate area.

Icing the intimate area with lukewarm water is considered a good home remedy by gynecologists. In some cases, doctors also recommend using an antiseptic solution like Betadine mixed in water.

Sexually active people must use condoms because if the cause of itching is some kind of STD, then it can also happen to your partner.

Do not use any kind of perfume-based soap or wash as a home remedies. By doing this the pH level of the intimate area deteriorates due to which the problem increases. In such a situation, if you feel the need, it would be more convenient to use some medicine after getting it prescribed by the doctor.

To avoid any kind of disease, it would be better that you show your symptoms to the doctor. It would not be right for you to use any remedy available on Google without thinking.