In the rush of the cities, the food and drink of the village are getting left behind. Due to the paucity of time, people have also started preparing special dishes quickly prepared traditionally. Due to this neither the test comes nor it seems more beneficial from the health point of view. Bajra Khichdi is one such traditional dish, which people have forgotten the real way of making it. If you eat bajra and gram dal khichdi made without chili spices with ghee, only then you will get the real taste of cold.

Benefits of Millet Khichdi (Bajre Ki Khichdi Benefits)
Bajra window has many benefits in winter. It is very beneficial, so it must be eaten in the winter season. Iron deficiency can be overcome by this, while it also strengthens the digestive system. At the same time, it is said that calcium deficiency is also fulfilled by this, in such a situation, if you want to strengthen the bones, then definitely eat it. At the same time, it is also beneficial in the muscle growth of children of growing age.

How to make Millet Khichdi (Bajre Ki Khichdi Recipe in Hindi)
If you want to make it in a completely traditional way, then for this you will need a small but fine mortar. So that millet can be pounded in it. For this, first of all, you-

Soak the millet and keep it for some time
It will absorb the water and if the water remains, take it out and keep the millet like this.
After this, put the millet in the mortar and grind it well. it will look like dough
After some time, take it on a big plate and beat it so that the peel of the millet is removed and it can be crushed easily.

Take water in a vessel and let it heat up. After that keep pouring millet in the fist with one hand and keep stirring it with a spoon in the other hand so that there are no lumps.
Also, add soaked millet dal in it.
Add salt as per taste and let it cook
Keep stirring it in between and after some time your delicious and nutritious bajra khichdi will be ready eat it hot by adding ghee.
By the way, if there is no mortar in the house, then millet can be ground in the mixie.