Morning Yoga For Fitness: It is very important to do yoga for better health and peace of mind. This reduces weight. Digestion is improved, and if you are troubled by belly fat, then it helps reduce it too, but women are often so busy with work that they are unable to spare time for themselves. If such women want to do yoga, then we are telling you some such yoga which you can do even on the bed... There is no need to do anything separately for this.

Vajrasana can give you many benefits. By doing this daily, the digestion process improves, and it becomes easy to pass stool. It helps in removing constipation and acidity. It also strengthens the muscles of the body

How to do
To do this, first, bend the knees backwards
Keep the ankles close to each other.
Keep in mind that both your feet should not touch each other.
Keep the head, neck and spine in a straight line.
Keep your palms on your thighs.
Straighten the back and look ahead, sit in this position for some time.

Blood flow improves by doing hair posture daily. The abdominal muscles become strong and the fat in and around the abdomen is reduced. This also gives relief from stress.

How to do
Sit in Vajrasana posture and keep your spine straight.
While breathing, move both your hands up.
While exhaling, bend the upper part of your waist forward, as well as bend both hands.
Keep the hands straight and put the head on the ground.
Stay in this posture for up to 30 seconds.

You get many benefits by doing Paschimottanasana. It relieves stress. They help remove belly fat. It also helps in bringing flexibility to the bones. This asana is also very beneficial for better digestion.

How to do
First of all, get into the posture of Dandasana.
Now bend your knees slightly and spread your legs forward
Extend arms overhead and keep the spine straight
Now exhale and while doing this tilt your hips forward and keep the upper body on the lower body.
Lower the arms and hold the toes with the hands.
Try to touch the knees with the nose, and stay in this posture for 10 seconds.