If the food is left, don't throw it away. Make a delicious dish. We tell you the solution.

We often throw away the leftover food considering it to be bad whereas delicious recipes can be prepared from the leftover food too. Suddenly guests come to the house and you have to make something quickly, then do not panic, but pay attention to these tips:

1. If the paneer is made at home, then dissolve gram flour in its water for pakodas. Pakodas will become delicious.

2. Knead the flour with paneer water or can also use it in soup.

3. If the pickle masala is left, then peel the garlic or cut the onion and put it in it. The tasty pickle will be ready.

4. Make a vegetable by filling the remaining oil and spices of mango pickle in brinjal, tinda, lady finger, or bitter gourd.

5. Instead of throwing overripe bananas, put them in pudding or custard or use them in smoothies or shakes.

6. Apply the temper of asafoetida, cumin, ginger, lemon juice, and green chilies to the rice bran. Nice tasty soup will be ready.

7. Pour the remaining water of rice into the dal, then the dal will become thick and the quantity will also increase.

8. If halwa is made by putting bran in semolina, then it will become more tasty and nutritious.

9. If ripe papaya has turned discolored, make a thick shake by adding milk and some sugar.

10. Make a vegetable by chopping the discolored papaya like a ripe pumpkin. The vegetables will be tasty as well as nutritious.

11. Don't throw away the small cardamom peels. Grind them and mix them in sugar. Whenever sugar is added to tea water, the smell of cardamom will comes.

12. Do not throw away the water that comes out of the vegetables which are being grated, but knead the dough with it. More vitamins are in this juice.

13. Do not throw away the stalks of vegetables. Wash them thoroughly and boil them after adding any vegetables. Then filter and add black pepper, salt, and lemon juice. Nice soup will be ready. If you want, use it like vegetable stock.

14. Do not throw pomegranate peels, but wash them thoroughly and dry them. Make a powder by grinding it in a mixer. Whenever there is a pain in the stomach, take 1 spoonful with lukewarm milk.

Make a powder by drying 15. dry orange peels. Put baked cheese in the pudding and make it fragrant.