Most of the states of North India are facing severe cold and cold waves these days. Low daytime temperatures can make this cold season quite difficult for people. Extreme cold weather is not only uncomfortable but can also cause serious health complications ranging from stroke to heart attack. This is why health experts advise everyone to take special precautions during this season.

Doctors say that extreme cold and winter waves can have adverse effects not only on children and the elderly but also on the health of youth. Our vessels that supply blood to various parts of the body constrict in response to cold which can cause blood pressure to rise. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can cause hypothermia, which can cause neurological problems along with disrupting brain function.

Cold wave season can also aggravate respiratory symptoms in people suffering from asthma, COPD, and lung disorders. Let us know about the health problems caused by colds and the measures to prevent them.

What do health experts say?
Cardiologist Dr Niranjan Singh explains that extreme cold can hurt cardiovascular and neurological health, increasing the risk of everything from heart attack to brain stroke. This is why too much cold can have life-threatening side effects. To reduce the risks associated with cold weather, it is most important that you take special precautions these days, wear warm clothes, and keep your body warm. This is important for people of all ages.

Life-threatening heart problems
The biggest side effect of increasing cold and winter waves is seen in heart health, cases of heart attack also start increasing during cold days. Cold causes vasoconstriction, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. This puts additional strain on the cardiovascular system, which can increase the risk of heart attack.

Apart from this, cold also causes the blood to thicken, which increases the risk of clot formation, which can be a factor in both heart attack and stroke.

Risk of brain stroke
Apart from heart attack, hypothermia is also a big danger in cold weather, in which there can be problems for the body in maintaining a stable internal temperature. This is a condition that disrupts neurological functions, which can increase the risk of stroke. The risk of stroke also increases due to increased blood pressure in winter. Therefore, health experts advise all people to cover their body, especially the head, during cold weather.

Respiratory problems may increase
Cold air can increase problems for your airways, posing a risk for individuals with pre-existing conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Respiratory problems are seen more in cold weather. Pressure on the respiratory system also increases the risk of heart-related disorders. Asthma patients are advised to take special precautions in this season.
​(PC: iStock)