People who work in offices often do not feel energy in their bodies. They have to work glued to the chair for a long time. Due to this their lifestyle is not that active. Not only this, but many times they do not even get a chance to have lunch. Due to this, they eat anything and this also hurts their health.

It is seen that most of the people doing sitting jobs are suffering from some kind of health problem or the other. This could also be due to their inactive life. However, they always complain that they are not able to keep their life as active. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some such easy tips, with the help of which you will be able to keep yourself active even in a sitting job.

Good start

It is said that if the beginning of the day is right then the whole day goes well. Therefore, you should also start your day with some kind of physical activity. You don't need to join a gym. You can go for a walk, do yoga or play badminton with the family. It's totally up to you what you like. Try to keep one activity a day in which you can be physically involved. You may feel tired for a few days in the beginning. But soon your body will accept this change and you will be more active.

Eat home food

Many times people do not have breakfast in a hurry and do not even carry lunch. Later, he eats something from the office canteen. If you also do this then you can never feel active. Always plan your meal and prepare for it. Next day you should take home cooked food to office only. Try to have balanced meals in your lunch. Don't forget to keep salad, curd etc. along with roti, and vegetables. This protects you from various cravings during a sitting job.

Stay away from junk food

It is often seen that people often eat junk or fried food along with tea in the office. Such options for light hunger make your body feel even more tired. Therefore, for snacking during the sitting job, you must carry roasted makhana or apple etc. in your bag. These make you more healthy and active.

Stay hydrated

People who are in sitting jobs are engrossed in their computers to such an extent that they even forget to drink water. But to keep yourself active, you need to stay hydrated. If you do not drink enough water, you feel tired due to dehydration. It is not even possible for you to focus on your work. Therefore, always keep a water bottle on your work table and keep drinking water now and then.

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