Have you ever felt a light shock when you suddenly touch someone? Not only any other person but if you ever touch any item in the house, then suddenly there is a shock. It is the static current that we feel when we touch something. But have you ever wondered when this happens and what is the real reason for feeling this current?

It happens because atoms

You must have also read in your science books that everything around us is made up of atoms. The human body also comes in this and these atoms are made of protons, electrons and neutrons. All three have positive, negative and neutral charges. Atoms have these 3 types of particles and since electrons can travel from one place to another. This means that it can move between furniture and clothes.

Could the weather be responsible for this?

Yes, electric charge is more formed in winter and also when the climate around us is dry.

The air is dry and electrons are easily generated on the surface of our skin.

When there is a lack of balance between electrons and protons, or in other words, an imbalance of negative and positive energy, it is called static electricity. On the other hand, in summer, the moisture in the air can eliminate the negatively charged electrons, so that we get little or no shock.

Negatively charged electrons are always there?

As we said, electrons don't stick around; rather they escape as soon as they find a way out. For example, if the number of electrons in our body is very high, then as soon as we come in contact with a positively charged object, the electrons will find their way out. In this process, we get so much charged that even when we are an inch away it breaks the air particles and suddenly we get shocked.

Tips to avoid mild electric shock

If you often get such tremors, it means that the number of electrons in your body is high. If you want to avoid this situation, then try these things.

  • Do not walk in rubber boots on floors that produce static.
  • If you suspect that the cold and dry conditions of your room are causing the shock, don't forget to humidify your room.
  • Wear clothes made of cotton. This will not release static and will not shock you.
  • Always keep your skin moisturized.

Image Credit: Freepik


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