Everyone wants his skin to be clear and glowing. But due to today's lifestyle and increasing pollution, the problem of whiteheads arises on the face. To get rid of this problem, you resort to many expensive beauty products or treatments, which are full of chemicals as well as very expensive. In such a situation, today we have come up with a home remedy to get rid of the problem of whiteheads. These effective home remedies repair skin damage due to dust, dirt, and pollution. By trying these tips, removing your dead skin improves your complexion and you get glowing skin, so let's know (How To Make Whiteheads Solution) home remedies to remove whiteheads.....

Ingredients needed to make whiteheads recipe
Witch hedgehog
Witch hazel solution 2 teaspoons
Cotton ball

How to make a whiteheads recipe? (How To Make Whiteheads Solution)
For the whiteheads recipe, first of all, take witch hazel.
Then you soak the cotton ball well in it.
After this, you apply it in the place of whiteheads.
Then you leave it to dry for a while.
After this, wash your face with normal water and clean it.
If you try this recipe 2 times a day, then this problem will reduce.