White Hair Reason In Young Age: Nowadays most people are troubled by the problem of hair becoming white at an early age. By the way, there can be many reasons behind hair turning white. White hair spoils your look as well as makes you look old before your age. In such a situation, you need to pay attention to your diet and lifestyle. Let us tell you here what is the reason for having white hair.

Hair starts turning white due to these reasons-
Due to smoking

Smoking can also be the reason behind the premature greying of hair. This is because smoking increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease. On the other hand, smoking can cause blood vessels to constrict. Because of this, the flow of blood to the hair follicles can be reduced and due to this, along with greying of hair, hair fall also starts.

Due to stress-
Stress also affects your hair badly. Therefore, if you also take stress on small things, then do not do this because of these reasons your hair starts turning white before age.

Due to lack of sleep-
Lack of sleep harms you. Due to this, not only do you feel tired, but your hair also starts turning white before age.

Low thyroid-
The thyroid is responsible for regulating your metabolism. At the same time, the health of your thyroid can also affect the colour of your hair. Therefore, if your hair is getting grey before age, then test your thyroid.