Whey Protein: The lactose present in whey protein can also cause allergies, especially in those who are sensitive to lactose.

Whey Protein Many times it has been seen that gym goers use whey protein to build their bodies. The use of whey protein is not wrong but it is not completely correct either. It is beneficial only if it is consumed under the guidance and in the right quantity.

According to a dietician and nutritionist Dr. Sangeeta Malu, it is right to use whey protein in a balanced quantity. Its excessive use harms the liver and kidneys. People who have a weak liver or who are already suffering from kidney-related problems should consume whey protein in very small amounts. It has also been seen many times that for those who have arthritis problems, if they use more protein, then their problem increases even more. That's why arthritis patients should use whey protein only with medical advice.

Health-conscious people sometimes increase the amount of protein by reducing the number of carbohydrates in their food. Excessive deficiency of carbohydrates and excessive consumption of proteins are both harmful. If the amount of protein is increased, then the body starts burning fat as energy. When there is no fat left to burn, then protein starts burning and this is ketosis. Anyway, when consuming protein, fiber should also be used along with it. Many people do not like protein and their digestive system gets spoiled.

Due to the weakness of the digestive system, they start feeling tired and weak. Some people also start getting gas and there is also a problem of flatulence. The lactose present in whey protein can also cause allergies, especially in those who are sensitive to lactose. Consuming whey protein can cause problems related to digestion.