Every year on July 17, World Emoji Day is celebrated all over the world. We'll walk you through the first emoji sent and how it was discovered. We use emoji a lot every day on social media platforms like WhatsApp and Instagram. Emojis are everywhere in 2023.

Emojis are also called pictograms, logograms, ideograms, and smileys. So far, more than 3 thousand emoji have been invented. Japanese engineer Shigetaka Kurita invented emoji in 1999 to solve the problem of short words. Shigetaka Kurita first created 176 sets of emoji, which were in the form of small dots.

This is when emoji sending started. Explain that it was first suggested in 1982 by computer scientist Scott Fahlman that :-) and :-( symbols can replace language. The first Emoji Day was celebrated in 2014. Emoji historian and Emojipedia founder Jeremy Burge on July 17 Started celebrating International Emoji Day.

(pc amarujala)