When is Makarsankranti, what does Panchang say, which day to celebrate 14th or 15th January?

According to the latitude-longitude of different places, there is a time difference in the zodiac change of the Sun as a result of sunrise. This time too the illusion will remain that Sankranti should be celebrated on 14th or 15th January. In Varanasi's almanac as well as in most other almanacs of the country the sun is changing after 8 pm on the night of 14th January, so according to Varanasi's almanac there will be Sankranti festival.

January 15 is celebrated without a doubt. With the entry of the Sun in Capricorn, all kinds of auspicious deeds like Yajnopavita, Mundan, marriage, house entry etc. will start. During the Dakshinayan Yatra of the Sun, new energy will be transmitted to the deified souls and they will be able to give the right result to their devotees and seekers.

Bath donation on Capricorn

Apart from bathing in the sea on this festival, bathing in the holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Namarda, Krishna, Kaveri etc. is also included in the series of donations made on this day. Although chanting and penance and charity are of special importance during all Sankranti, its fruit is said to be most effective during Aries and Makarsankranti, because Aries Sankranti is the auspicious time of the gods and Makarsankranti. The day of the gods begins. On this day all the deities start their day by worshiping Lord Vishnu and Mother Shri Mahalakshmi, hence the items made from sesame seeds produced from the body of Shri Vishnu and Ikshuras i.e. things made from sugarcane juice which have round sesame. The mixture is donated to him.

Woolen blankets, clothes for the needy, books for students, almanacs for pundits etc. are also donated. By donating other food items like fruits, vegetables, rice, pulses, flour, salt etc., the full fruit of Sankranti can be obtained. According to the Puranas, the creature who does this receives the grace of both Vishnu and Shri. Lakshmi. It happens.

Arrival of pilgrims in Prayag on Makarsankranti

This festival, formed by the combination of the Sun entering Capricorn and the month of Magh, marks the beginning of the day of all the gods. From this day sixty thousand pilgrims, rivers, all the gods and goddesses, Yaksha, Gandharva, serpent, eunuch etc. gathered at the holy confluence of the three worlds, at the holy confluence of the holy river Ganga, Yamuna. And for Saraswati, bathing, chanting and charity. Make your life happy That is why this festival is called Mahakumbh Utsav of shrines and deities. According to the Matsya Purana, a month of penance here offers the opportunity to reside in the afterlife for one kalpa (eight billion sixty four crore years), which is why seekers also perform kalpa here.

Description of the glory of the sun by Shiva

Describing the glory of the sun in the great scripture 'Karma Vipak' Samhita which describes the movement of the soul after death, Lord Shiva says to mother Parvati that Goddess! Brahma Vishnu: Shiva: Shakti: Dev Devo Munishwara, Dhyayanti Bhaskaram Devam Sakshibhutan Jagatraye. Meaning: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Shakti, gods, yogis, sages, etc. meditate on the sun, the embodiment of the three worlds. A person who bathes in the morning and offers Arghya to the Sun does not feel any kind of planetary guilt because out of its thousand rays the main seven rays are Sushumna, Harikesh, Vishwakarma, Surya, Rashmi, Vishnu and Sarvabandhu, which has color. There is violet, blue, sky, green. , Yellow, orange and red. By giving our body new energy and self-empowerment, it calms our sins while in the morning darshan of red sun 'Om Suryadev Mahabhag! Trilokya Timirapa. Mum purvakrutam papam kshyamyatam parameshwar :. By reciting Surya Namaskar while reciting this mantra, one gets liberation from sins committed in previous birth.