You must have also seen many such people in your life, thinking about how you feel and how lucky they are. Everything is happening according to him. According to a new mental health hack going viral on social media, you no longer need to feel jealous of these people as you too can harness the power of being 'lucky'. This new trend is Lucky Girl Syndrome. According to this trend going viral on social media, if you believe that you are really lucky, then good things will happen to you. It sounds simple enough, doesn't it? But what exactly is 'Lucky Girl Syndrome'? Let us try to explain you in easy and simple words.

What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
Let us tell you that this trend was started by a woman named Laura Galebe on Tiktok by posting a video last year. In this video, a woman named Laura said- Actually, there is no better way to explain it because it seems that all the opposite things are completely in my favour. I am constantly saying that unexpectedly good things are always happening to me. This technique forces a person to tell himself about it, “How lucky I am and that everything will work out for me in the end. By applying this positive mantra and attitude to every aspect of their lives, users felt that things were working in their favour.

What is the science behind it?
Mental wellness and relationship expert Dr Rachna Khanna says that positive things have many benefits. Research shows it helps reduce stress, improve academic performance, as well as make practitioners more open to behaviour change. This is a way of helping yourself, in which the feeling of self-confidence increases.

And according to life coach Rachel Indra, the part of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS), a network of neurons, is what controls our perception of the world. When you say I AM LUCKY you can train the RAS to filter out negative information and change your mindset.