For the past few years, due to the coronavirus epidemic, lockdown, and work-from-home culture, many people have become obese, and now it is becoming difficult for them to put the protruding stomach inside. Now everyone can't go to the gym daily and follow a strict diet chart, in such a situation how they will reduce the increasing weight is a big problem. India's famous nutrition expert said that belly and waist fat can be reduced with the help of an aromatic item kept in the kitchen.

Small cardamom will melt belly fat
Obesity is not a disease in itself, but due to this, many diseases are born, and busy lifestyles and unhealthy food habits are largely responsible for this. To overcome this problem, you can consume small cardamom, which is a very useful thing, it helps in removing cold, cough, and bad breath, but have you probably used it to lose weight? Would not have done to.

Small cardamom is of great use
Small cardamom has the properties of burning fat, if you include it in the daily diet, then the fat around the stomach and waist can be melted naturally. This aromatic hot spice is commonly used in vegetables, parathas, and sweets. Some people drink cardamom mixed with milk and sugar tea, or even with masala tea.

Cholesterol is also gets reduced
Eating cardamom increases digestion power, and stomach problems also go away, such as acidity, constipation, a burning sensation in the stomach, and gas. Due to the increase in digestive power, it becomes easy to burn fat and gradually the weight starts decreasing. If you chew and eat one or two small cardamom raw daily, it will help in reducing bad cholesterol too.