The right diet and exercise are very important for weight loss. Along with this, the timing of your food and drink should also be correct. If you want to lose weight, then some special things should be included in the diet. Some Ayurvedic herbs help in reducing weight. If you consume these herbs, then the body detoxes. Also helps in weight loss. Dr. Shikha Sharma is giving information about this. Dr Sharma has studied from Delhi. She helps people choose the right diet and stay healthy by following Vedic and modern nutrition.

Include Triphala in the diet to lose weight

In Ayurveda, Triphala is known to balance the three doshas in the body, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Some herbs should be included in the diet to lose weight. Triphala consists of three fruits, Amla, Vibhitaki and Haritaki. It improves digestion. Along with detoxing the body, it helps in reducing weight. Triphala promotes fat metabolism, as well as improves insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity for weight loss is a must. Losing weight can be difficult if you have insulin resistance. When our body has insulin resistance, our cells do not respond properly to insulin.

Due to this the blood sugar level remains elevated. To normalize this, the pancreas sends out some more insulin. Later, the sugar which is not absorbed in the blood starts freezing in the form of fat. Especially it starts accumulating around the belly. In such a situation, Triphala can help you. This also prevents constipation and the liver also remains healthy.

Include Guggul in the diet to lose weight

Many qualities are found in Guggul. It has been used in many things in Ayurveda for years. It has been used to boost metabolism, burn fat and improve lipid profile. Guggul also manages the cholesterol level. It removes the problem of gas, indigestion and constipation. Whatever diet you are following, if you consume guggul powder along with it, it can help you lose weight. This will speed up the process of fat burning.

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