Marriage in our country is considered a life-long relationship between two people. Marriage is a relationship in which a boy and a girl spend their entire life together. At the same time, not only the boy and the girl but also two families become one through their marriage. In such a situation, if the marriage is arranged i.e. you do not know about your life partner before the relationship is formed, then definitely know about him/her before getting married. Although husband and wife have a lot of time to gradually know each other and adapt to each other's life, some important things should be known before marriage. If you already know these things about your life partner, then it becomes easier to understand whether both of you are suitable for each other. What could be your life ahead and how would you like to live with your partner? So let us know those five things that every girl must know about her partner before marriage.

Is the marriage happening as per your wish?
Be it a boy or a girl, before marriage, both should ask this question to their future life partner whether the marriage is happening as per his/her wish and choice. Due to some pressure, he did not agree to the marriage. Often it happens in arranged marriages that the boy or girl has to get married under pressure from the family. They may not like you or they may already like someone else. In such a situation, such questions can keep the future of both of you safe.

Likes and dislikes
Before marriage, you should have some knowledge about the likes and dislikes of your life partner. You should ask whether they are vegetarian or non-vegetarian. Drink and smoke? Do they like you or not? Apart from this, know many more things about their interests. This also lets you know the nature of your partner and you will not consider him a stranger in the initial days of marriage.

Career plan
Marriage is a relationship related to the future. Therefore, clear things about each other's careers, jobs, etc. You should know what work they do. What is his salary? What are his plans regarding his future career? Apart from this, if you work, then also know whether he has any problem with you working after marriage? Do they intend to settle outside after marriage?

What do think about me?
The most important thing for marriage is to have positive thoughts about each other. You should ask him what he thinks about you. So that it becomes clear that he is marrying you as per his choice. Also, know what their expectations are from you. What kind of life partner does he want?

Family planning
Ask questions about family planning to your future life partner. Like when does he think about expanding his family after marriage? How many children are you expecting? What is his opinion about children?

(PC: Freepik)