With ageing, most people have to deal with the problem of joint pain. Due to joint pain, it is difficult to move, due to which everyday activities are affected. Sometimes this pain is so bothersome that even getting out of bed becomes a big task for people. Often this pain bothers me when the weather changes, while sometimes it happens due to some health conditions as well. Till a time this problem used to bother only the elders but nowadays young people are also troubled by it.

Many times, by reaching the age of 30-40, joint pain starts troubling people. For this, doctor's advice must be taken, but with the help of some easy tips, you can also get relief from joint pain. Dr. Shikha Sharma is telling about this.

Keep weight under control

With ageing comes the risk of many diseases. In such a situation, it is very important to keep weight under control. Joint pain can also be due to increased weight. When the weight is high, there is more pressure on the knee while getting up and walking. In such a situation, joint pain can increase. That's why pay attention to weight with increasing age.

Drink the right amount of water

Toxins present in the body come out from drinking water. That's why don't let there be a shortage of water in the body. Thirst can decrease with ageing or sometimes thirst is not noticed. In such a situation, toxins can accumulate in the body. These also become the cause of pain. This can also be a reason for the problem of arthritis.

Omega 3

Make sure to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These can help reduce the pain of arthritis. Omega-3 fatty acids are found more in these things than in flax seeds, chia seeds and olive oil. Do include them in your diet. It also reduces the stiffness of joints.

To exercise

To reduce or prevent joint pain, it is important to exercise. Exercise maintains acuity in the body. Most people reduce being active as they age, which is wrong. To keep joint pain under control or to maintain joint health, you must exercise. Exercise should be selected based on age and stamina.

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