We all love the winter season. In this season we enjoy hot snacks and sweets. We also associate the winter season with festivals and lots of fun and celebration with friends and families.

But the weakness of our hearts also increases in the winter season.

Studies have shown that heart attacks are more fatal in winter than in summer. Angina, heart attack and other heart-related problems are very common in winter mornings.

How does winter weather affect heart health?

People are more likely to fall ill with the common cold, fever and flu in cold weather. But most people don't know that it is also prime heart attack season. If reports are to be believed, the chances of cardiac arrest increase by more than a fifth in the winter season. Winter can be worse for heart patients. A decrease in temperature can cause many changes in our bodies, such as:

  • The heart has to work double duty to maintain the blood supply and keep the body warm.
  • Low temperature can cause constriction of blood vessels. This can lead to less oxygen and nutrients being supplied to the heart muscle, thus compromising overall heart health.
  • The chances of forming blood clots also increase in winter.
  • Blood pressure and blood cholesterol level can also increase in winter, which can increase the risk of a heart attack.

What is the effect of cold on heart patients?

The body reacts physiologically to changes in external temperature.

A decrease in temperature causes an increase in the activity of the body's sympathetic nervous system, which results in vasoconstriction of blood vessels. This vasoconstriction can increase blood pressure, making it harder for the heart to pump blood to the body's organs. This increased pressure can increase the risk of angina, heart attack, arrhythmia, and other heart diseases in people with heart conditions.

However, the incidence of heart disease and stroke increases during this season. Fortunately, these conditions can also be avoided with a healthy lifestyle. Today we are telling you about 5 herbs which can help you manage your sugar level effectively and even prevent heart disease.

Ayurvedic expert Dr. DeekshaBhavsar has shared this information with fans through Instagram. He wrote in the caption, 'People with diabetes (especially senior citizens) are more prone to a heart attack (high cholesterol, high blood pressure which ultimately leads to heart attack) because of being on diabetes medicines. Metabolism and liver function decrease with time.

1. Punarnava (Punarnava for Heart)

It is the best diuretic which helps in lowering the sugar level, blood pressure and even cholesterol. It is also good for the liver, kidneys and eyes (useful in preventing diabetic retinopathy, and nephropathy). It also improves metabolism.


  • Can take 2-5 grams daily on an empty stomach.

2. Shunthi (Shunthi for Heart Health)

Freshly crushed dry ginger powder is the best cardio-protective and amazing for metabolism. It reduces inflammation in the body and is very good for the heart.


  • A half teaspoon can be taken with warm water once a day before food.

3. Black Pepper for Heart

It helps in improving insulin sensitivity and digestion and even lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides thereby helping you prevent heart attacks, especially in senior citizens.


  • You can eat 1 black pepper daily in the morning.

4. Cardamom for Heart

It is best for heart health and helps in improving sugar levels by reducing cravings for sweet foods. Also relieves excess thirst (which is often experienced by diabetic patients).


  • It can be taken in the form of tea or 1 cardamom powder can be taken with warm water 1 hour after meals.

5. Arjun-Chaal (Arjun-Chaal for Heart)

Arjuna bark is the best herb for preventing heart diseases as well as improving its functioning. Good for all kinds of heart problems from blood pressure, and cholesterol to tachycardia.


  • Every person having diabetes/heart disease in genes should consume it in the form of tea at bedtime.

I request all of you to include these herbs in your daily routine for diabetes, obesity (and high sugar level), insulin sensitivity, and heart diseases after consulting an Ayurvedic expert.

These herbs are best for the heart health of senior citizens.

Image Credit: Shutterstock &Freepik


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