Why is my ring so tight today? How did I gain 1 kg overnight? Why are my feet swollen today? If such questions are often coming into your mind, then the reason for this can be water retention. Our body is made up of 60 percent water and it is also necessary for our life, but when the body holds excess and unnecessary fluid then it is called water retention.

It occurs within the circulatory system, tissues, and cavities. Due to this, swelling starts in the hands, feet, ankles and ankles. Now the question is how can it be reduced? Is there any way to reduce it as soon as possible? Yes, you can reduce this water weight by making slight changes in your diet. Let us know its causes, symptoms and ways to reduce it in this article.

What is water retention?

Water or fluid retention (edema) occurs when fluid cannot leave the tissues. It has 2 broad categories - Generalized edema - is when there is swelling of the whole body. Localized edema – when specific parts of the body are affected.

Due to water retention?

There are many reasons why water weight increases in the body. You should also know about them and work to remove their causes from your life-

Due to bad eating habits

High sodium and high-carb diets can lead to water retention. Potassium and magnesium deficiencies can also cause excess water weight.


This can happen due to natural hormone variations in the week before menstruation. Craving for salty foods and carbohydrates also increases water weight during this time.

Physical inactivity

Sitting or standing for long periods do not allow fluids to circulate properly around the body. Due to this, water accumulates around the tissues of the body, due to which there is swelling in the hands and feet.

Heart or kidney disease

This can disrupt the normal flow of blood around the body. This causes a build-up of fluid and swelling due to water weight.

How to reduce water retention?

1. Eat less salt

Salt is made up of sodium and chloride. Sodium binds to water in your body and helps maintain the balance of fluids inside and outside your cells.

If you frequently eat foods high in salt, such as many processed foods, your body tends to retain water. These foods are the biggest dietary source of sodium and this is what causes water retention in your body. To reduce this, it is advised to reduce sodium intake.

2. Consume Potassium-Rich Foods

Potassium plays an important role in fluid balance and increases urine production, which removes excess sodium from the body. Eating potassium-rich foods such as bananas, avocados and tomatoes is essential for supporting healthy fluid balance.

3. Drink enough water

Being a water weight does not mean that you should not drink water. Keep your body hydrated by drinking a sufficient amount of water. Not only this, it removes not only the toxins present in your body but also excess salt and dirt.

4. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise helps our circulatory system to function properly. This helps reduce fluid retention from the lymphatic, digestive and urinary tracts.

If till now you are also struggling with this problem, then bring changes to your lifestyle. Regular exercise and consuming a nutritious diet can help reduce your water weight.

Image Credit: Freepik


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