Benefits of Singhara: It is a fruit but grows in water. Yes, water chestnut is a valuable fruit that provides many benefits to health. Water chestnuts are mainly grown in India, China, and the Philippines. It grows on marshy land. For this, the depth of water should not be more than one foot. Water chestnuts can be found only during some winter months. Water chestnut is rich in many types of nutritious elements. Adequate amounts of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese, fiber, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, etc. are found in water chestnuts. Along with this, it contains many types of antioxidants which reduce the risk of many types of chronic diseases. Water chestnut directly attacks chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. Let us know what are the benefits of water chestnut.

Benefits of water chestnut
1. High blood pressure control: contains a sufficient amount of potassium which reduces high blood pressure. Along with this, it is also effective in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack. The sodium present in it balances blood pressure.

2. Low cholesterol- Water chestnut is effective in reducing many types of heart-related problems. Water chestnuts contain healthy fat which reduces bad cholesterol. It does not allow LDL and triglyceride to increase.

3. Weight loss – A lot of fiber is found in water chestnuts. It strengthens the digestive system. At the same time, after eating water chestnuts, one does not feel hungry for a long time, if someone wants to lose weight, then consumption of water chestnuts can prove to be very beneficial. Half a cup of water chestnut contains only 45 calories of energy. Apart from this, there is no fat in it at all. For all these reasons it is very helpful in reducing weight.

4. Control sugar – Water chestnuts contain many types of antioxidants. Besides this, it also contains only 10 grams of carbohydrates. There are 3 grams of dietary fiber which digests food slowly. Therefore it naturally increases the production of insulin. For this reason, diabetic patients are advised to eat water chestnut flour during festivals.

5. Keeps away from infection - Many types of antioxidants are found in water chestnuts. They do not allow free radicals to form in the body. Oxidative stress occurs in cells due to free radicals. Due to this oxidative stress, chronic diseases like heart disease, and diabetes occur. Along with this, the attack of infection also intensifies. It reduces oxidative stress due to which there is no infection in the body.

6. Capable of fighting cancer - The ferulic acid antioxidant present in water chestnuts does not allow cancer cells to grow. Many studies have found that ferulic acid reduces the risk of many types of cancer.
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