Nowadays people use wallpaper on the walls to decorate their houses. Wallpapers are one of the simplest ways to promote peace and good energy around you. Even though the wallpaper installed in your house enhances the beauty of the house, if you apply it according to the rules of Vastu, then it can be more beneficial.

With the right wallpaper on the wall, you can remove mental stress and make your home positive. You should never choose a wallpaper that is based on a negative background in any way, such as wild animal wallpaper or a picture that can cause stress. Let us know from Vastu expert DrMadhuKotia that according to Vastu, what kind of wallpaper you should apply so that there will always be prosperity.

Phoenix bird wallpaper

The Phoenix bird is considered a symbol of success according to Vastu and Feng Shui. Often, to achieve career success, you should put a wallpaper of Phoenix birds in the study room of your home.

This wallpaper represents rebirth, renewal and good luck. Phoenix is ​​believed to have such power that it is believed to be a symbol of overcoming obstacles and achieving success. This type of wallpaper can become a symbol of success for you in the workplace.

Wallpaper of these colours

Vastu expert MadhuKotia ji tells that while applying wallpaper in the house, you should take special care of the colours so that positive energy can be transmitted in your mind. For wallpaper, use pastel colours like blue, green and pink. May these colours fill you with peace, comfort and unspeakable joy.

Running horse wallpaper

According to Feng Shui, it might be best to have seven running horses wallpaper in your office or cabin. It can help you find solutions to the problems you are facing in work or business. Running horses are considered a symbol of strength, courage, speed, power and endurance. Any such wallpaper will give you energy and help you move forward. To create an atmosphere of positive energy in the house, put wallpapers related to nature on your walls. Wallpapers of lush green scenery, ocean views or flora and fauna can also be auspicious for you as per Vastu.

Dream catcher wallpaper

A wallpaper with a dream catcher made of colourful feathers and beads can be an auspicious addition to the walls of your home. This can give you peace of mind. You can put these wallpapers in the bedroom so that your relationship with your partner can be good. It not only creates a peaceful environment but also inspires creativity.

This wallpaper helps to fulfil our dreams. It can also be important in providing you with a good night's sleep and in bringing closer relationships.

Put such wallpaper in the kitchen

You should also apply the right wallpaper in the kitchen keeping Vastu in mind. For this space, you can use green colour and put such wallpapers in which some things related to the kitchen can be seen. For example, people put wallpaper of tasty food on cup plates or bowls in the kitchen.

By using green colour in the kitchen, you can feel connected with nature. You can also go for wallpaper with leaves and flower designs for this space.

If you apply a wallpaper of the right colours and designs according to Vastu on the walls of the house, then there will always be prosperity in your house.
