B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, and it is very important for the strength of blood, nerves, and the body, if this nutrient is deficient in the body, there can be tremendous weakness. This is the reason why most health experts recommend consuming foods containing this nutrient, but some people do such activities due to which eating Vitamin B12-based foods also gets wasted.

Symptoms of B12 Deficiency
First of all, you should know how to recognize the symptoms of Vitamin B12, only then you will increase the intake of food items related to it.

1. Fatigue and weakness
2. Loss of appetite
4. Anemia
5. Pain in bones
6. Dementia
7. Amnesia
8. Damage to the nervous system
9. Temporary infertility in women
10. Stomach ailment
12. Skin infection
13. Falling sick during pregnancy
14. Increase in tension and stress
15. Loss of eyesight

Vitamin B Best Foods
Whenever the above symptoms start appearing in the body, then understand that now the alarm bell has rung, and in such a situation, the intake of Vitamin B12 best foods should be increased at all costs. Let us know which things you should eat.

1. Fatty Fish
2. Big Oyster
3 eggs
4. Red Meat
5. Milk Products
6. Fortified Cereals
7. Spinach
8. Beet
9. Mushroom
10. Potato
11. Liver and kidneys of animals
12. Butternut Squash

These 3 things absorb Vitamin B12
It has been found in many pieces of research that consumption of 3 types of things causes atrophic or chronic gastritis, due to which hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor start decreasing, which is the reason that then vitamin B12 deficiency starts in the body. Let us know which things you should stay away from.

1. Sweet Things
Sugar is such a thing that even the best of people cannot give up their fascination, but it can become the reason for our downfall. Usually, sweet food is kept away from itself to avoid diabetes and obesity, but if you want to maintain vitamin B12 in the body, then refrain from these things.

2. Chili-Masala
Chili-spices are used in many recipes in India so that their test can be increased, but for those who consume it excessively, vitamin B12 starts disappearing from their body, due to which there is a lot of weakness.

3. Alcohol
Alcohol is not only a social evil but it is also considered very harmful to our bodies, nowadays it is seen more in the youth than before. Consumption of alcohol leads to a deficiency of Vitamin B12 in the body.

(PC: Freepik)