Like the face, hands and feet are also the mirror of our health, from which we can get many indications about the changes taking place in the body. Here we are not talking about the natural appearance of hands and feet, but about the unusual symptoms seen in them. For example, bulging veins are visible in the hands of some people, which tells a lot about their health and physical condition.

If you look closely, it may be normal to see bulging veins on the hands, but if separate bulging veins are visible on the hands, then you need to be alert about this. This is because it can also be a symptom of poor health. In this article, we are going to tell you about what kind of health conditions cause bulging veins in the hands.

Increased body temperature

An increase in body temperature can cause swelling in the veins. When the temperature increases, the body sends blood towards the surface of the skin to cool itself, due to which bulges can be seen in the veins of the hands and legs.

Work harder

When you work hard with your hands, it increases the blood flow in this particular area. Due to increased blood pressure, the veins in the hands swell. That's why weightlifters, boxers and other professional athletes notice increased muscles as well as bulging veins in their hands.

Effects of ageing

With increasing age, the production of collagen in the body slows down, which directly affects our skin. With increasing age, the skin becomes loose and thin, in such a situation the veins beneath it become visible. This is the reason why the veins in the hands and legs of old people appear bulging separately.

Weight loss

Due to lack of weight, the veins in the hands appear bulging. When fat in the body reduces, the skin becomes thin and the veins inside emerge and become visible through the thin surface of the skin. Therefore, if the veins on your hands appear bulging at a young age, then you need to be cautious about your weight. Being underweight can also give rise to other serious problems.

Varicose veins

This is a physical condition in which due to accumulation of blood in the veins, they become visible outside. This happens when the valves of the veins get damaged due to an accident. Usually, this is seen in the feet, but in some circumstances, it can also happen in the hands.

Genetic problem

Apart from this, the reason for the appearance of veins can also be your genetics. If your parents or any blood relative has this type of problem, then there is a good chance that such veins will be visible in your hands.

Prevention and treatment

If veins appear bulging in the hands due to some accident, then treatment is possible through laser therapy. In this, a laser is used to close or heal abnormal veins. At the same time, if any vein in the hand has become swollen due to injury or the use of IV, then you should contact a doctor for this. To some extent, swelling of veins can also be cured by medication.

To prevent veins from appearing, you can take care of some things, such as trying to rest your hands between works. If veins are appearing due to increased blood flow in the hand, then light massage can also provide relief.

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