Many times you must have often felt that while walking or running, the vein of the feet suddenly got clogged, due to which severe pain started arising and became unbearable. However, it is also common to have a vein in the shoulder or neck. In such a situation, normal activities of daily life and regular work become difficult. If ever you also have to face such a problem, then do not panic at all, but follow some easy tricks.

Why does the vein of the feet go up?
If a vein gets clogged in any part of the body, then the biggest reason for this is physical weakness. Many times it happens when your muscles start shrinking (Muscle Contraction), due to which the problem of vein climbing comes. Many times lumps are formed in the muscles, due to which there is severe pain. Many times this happens even while sleeping or after fatigue.

Symptoms of varicose veins
- Cramping in the lower legs
-Sudden severe nerve pain

-Difficulty in walking
- Sharp pain in the side of the neck

Do this remedy when you have a vein
1. Massage hot oil on the feet, it can relieve the pain
2. With the help of a hot water bag, you can foment the affected area.
3. You can foment the affected area with ice, which is considered beneficial.
4. Change your body position and stand straight when the veins of the feet are raised.

Do not let there be a deficiency of these nutrients in the body
If you want that you never have to face the problem of vein climbing, then there should be no shortage of important nutrients like potassium, iron, and vitamin C in the daily diet. Keep taking minerals in daily food as well. Include orange juice, dates, curd, potatoes, tomatoes, and hot milk with turmeric and sweet potato in your diet list.