Eating green leafy vegetables, especially greens, is considered very beneficial for our health because through this our body gets many important nutrients, but if you do not take care of certain things before cooking them, then there can be loss instead of profit... Many such insects, spiders, or moths get accumulated in the vegetables, which is very important to remove, otherwise, we can become victims of many diseases. Let us know how you can clean them.

Why is it important to clean the greens?
Apart from insects and pests with vegetables, there is another problem that needs to be removed, and that is the pesticides used during its growth. If it is included in our food, then it can cause a lot of harm to the body. That's why we have to clean the greens in such a way that harmful pesticides also get washed away with water.

Ways to clean greens

1. Clean with hands

First of all, clean the greens with your hands and try to remove the accumulated soil and insects completely, this type of manual cleaning gives much better results.

2. Use hot water
Hot water is considered a medicine for many merges, if you want to free the green leaves from insects and pesticides, then first of all heat the water in a utensil lightly. Now dip the greens in this pan and try to clean them in several attempts. By doing this you will be saved from the problem of food poisoning.

3. Use of baking soda
Do you know that baking soda is used in daily use toothpaste, which cleans the germs of the mouth? You can also use this powder to wash vegetables. For this, put baking soda in a pot of water and then dip the greens in it and then clean it with water.