Our body is made up of many parts. For the proper functioning of the body, all the organs must function properly. At the same time, the necessary vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and nutrients should be in the right quantity in the body. It is also necessary to have a balance of hormones for a healthy body. Hormonal imbalance can lead to thyroid, PCOD and blood sugar. Hormonal imbalances also affect women's periods and fertility.

You may also feel tired and weak when hormones are out of balance. Many things should be taken care of for the balance of hormones. Including proper diet and exercise. Nutritionist and hormone health coach, Simran Kaur shares 3 rules for balancing hormones. Let's know.

The right diet for hormonal balance

Even when there is a lack of nutrition in the body, the hormones start getting unbalanced. Therefore, fibre, carbs and protein should be included in the diet. A healthy diet is essential to maintain the levels of iron, calcium and other essential nutrients in the body. Especially, do not skip breakfast at all. This affects insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance. Not only has this but if you are overweight, then focused on reducing it as well.

Physical activity is very important

Of course, diet plays an important role in keeping us healthy. But the importance of exercise is also no less. Do work out daily. Sitting throughout the day and lack of physical activity is also the main reason for hormonal imbalance. Therefore, exercise for at least 120-150 minutes every week.

Managing stress

Stress is the cause of PCOD, hormonal imbalance and many other health conditions. So stay away from stress. When we are happy, happy hormones are released in our bodies. At the same time, stress hormones are released in the body when there is stress. Which are not at all good for our health? So stay away from stress. To manage stress, you can resort to yoga, meditation and mindfulness

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