Buying a new vehicle can be a big dream for anyone. If you follow some special Vastu rules before buying a new vehicle, then there will be happiness in your life and if you do not follow it then there may be many problems ahead.

That's why you should follow Vastu rules. With this, a new vehicle will always give auspicious results for you. There are certain Vastu remedies which help in creating a positive and amicable environment related to your vehicle, before buying a new vehicle for you. Let us know from PanditJagannathGuruji what things you should keep in mind before buying a new vehicle.

Take care of the right time before buying a new vehicle

If you are buying a new vehicle, then keep in mind that you should take special care of time. You should buy a new vehicle on an auspicious day only. You should buy a new vehicle on the full moon date of any month or you can buy it on any auspicious day 10 days before or 10 days after the full moon.

But you should avoid buying it from the 11th day to the 15th day after the full moon. Avoid buying a new vehicle on a Saturday of any month. Apart from this, you should avoid buying a vehicle on the day of Amavasya or on the day when the Moon is in the sixth, eighth or twelfth house.

Choose the right colour before buying a new vehicle

Although the colour is your personal choice, according to Vastu, certain colours are considered more auspicious. White, silver and other light colours are generally considered auspicious for vehicles, as they are associated with positivity and purity. But apart from this, you can buy a vehicle of every colour which is auspicious according to your lucky number and according to your date of birth. For example, if your zodiac sign is Aries, then you should choose a red or maroon-coloured vehicle.

Choose the right parking lot before buying a new vehicle

If possible, choose a good parking lot for your vehicle. Keep in mind that this place should be well-lit and clutter-free. A clean and orderly parking area contributes to positive energy flow. If you keep the new vehicle in a negative place then negative energy can also come in it and it is not auspicious for you.

Keep the right direction for a new vehicle

If you have a choice, it is generally advised to park your vehicle in the North-West direction. This direction is related to the air element and is considered suitable for all vehicles.

Avoid parking your vehicle in areas where it is mostly in the shade or under a tree. Parking in a well-lit and open space is considered better as it promotes positive energy.

Regular maintenance is necessary after buying a new vehicle.

Just as it is important to keep your home clean and tidy as per Vastu, the same thing when it comes to your vehicle. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your vehicle not only increases its lifespan but also helps in maintaining a positive environment around it. Avoid carrying unnecessary items in your new vehicle. Any kind of clutter can disrupt the flow of energy and create a feeling of discomfort in using the vehicle. Keep the interior of your vehicle clean and tidy.
