Protein is an important nutrient, which is essential for our body in many ways. It forms and maintains all the tissues, organs, and nerves of our body. Protein is also involved in many types of chemical reactions occurring in the body. To meet protein requirements, we should include protein-rich foods in our diet.

Meat, fish, eggs, and milk are good sources of protein. However, vegetarian people can also get an adequate amount of protein in their diet. Today we will tell you about some food items that will provide ample amount of protein to your body and you will not need to eat meat, fish, and eggs.

Soybeans and Soy Products
Soybean is an excellent source of protein. It is considered the best vegetarian source of protein. Many types of things made from soybeans like tofu, soy milk, soy beans soy protein powder, etc. are also rich in protein.

Beans and Pulses
Beans and pulses are also a good source of protein. Apart from protein, they also contain fiber, iron, and other nutrients in abundance. Beans and pulses can be used in many types of dishes.

Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are also good sources of protein. These can be eaten as small snacks or can be included in salads, smoothies, and other dishes.

Legumes are also a good source of protein. Apart from protein, they also contain fiber, iron, and other nutrients in abundance. Legumes can be used in many types of dishes.

(PC: Freepik)