Devi Lakshmi: People do a lot to please Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Lighting lamps in the temple and home in the morning and evening, worshiping them. It is mentioned in the scriptures that by lighting a lamp in the house in the morning and evening, Goddess Lakshmi arrives. Apart from this, there is another way by which the goddess of wealth can be pleased, and that is by adopting Vastu tips. According to Vastu Shastra, there are many such plants (vastu plants) by planting which happiness and peace remain in the house.

Vaastu Plants
-Laxmana's plant is very auspicious for Vastu Shastra. Goddess Lakshmi resides in this. You can plant it in a pot in the garden of the house or on the balcony. Due to this, happiness and peace remain in the house.

-Ashwagandha plant is also very dear to Goddess Lakshmi. Wearing this keeps happiness, peace, and prosperity. If you have not installed it, then definitely install it.

-The harsingar plant is also considered auspicious for the home. Wherever it is applied the environment remains pure. This also removes stress. You can also plant white oak. If you worship it with rituals then it will be beneficial for the house.

-Tuberose, planting this plant also brightens your luck. It has medicinal properties, due to which the energy of the house remains good, so you can also apply it.

-Spider, you should plant this plant in the northeast or north-west of the house. This direction is auspicious. It would be good if you keep it in the living room, kitchen, balcony, and study room.