Vastu Shastra is very important for keeping everything in the right place in the house. It is believed that if you decorate things neatly in the right direction, then it benefits you in every way, and keeping things without taking care of Vastu can only worsen the economic condition of the house. Unnecessary conflicts also start increasing. According to Vastu, all directions have great importance for happiness and prosperity in the house. A kitchen built in the opposite direction, having a bed without paying attention to the right direction or keeping shoes and slippers in the wrong direction can even lead to the destruction of your house.

Often people keep any item at any place in the house and are unable to pay attention to Vastu. Mainly when it comes to the south direction of the house, then any item in this direction should be kept carefully. Let us know from Numerologist, Vastu Expert and Tarot Card Reader, MadhuKotia, which things you should not keep in the South direction of the house, even by mistake, as these things can cause problems in your home.


There should never be a bathroom in the south direction of the house because this direction is considered to be the direction of Yama and their ancestors. Apart from this, fire element is present in the south direction. That's why it is believed that fire i.e. power comes from the south direction. If there is any source of water in the south direction of your house, such as a bathroom or any such source of water from which water flows, it should not be in the south direction even by mistake. Water is considered to be the reason for ending the fire element which can lead to the destruction of the house. Even outside the house, there should not be any garden or pond in the south direction.

Place of worship

The place of worship should never be in the south direction of the house. It is believed that setting up a temple in the house in the south direction never gives full results of worship and the economic condition of the house remains bad. You should not set up a temple in the south direction even by mistake because it is considered to be the direction of dead ancestors.


The kitchen should never be kept in the south direction of the house because this direction is considered to be the direction of ancestors. It is believed that if the kitchen or gas stove is placed in the south direction, then it can cause trouble in your life. Cooking and eating food in this direction can lead to many health problems. Due to health problems, money starts getting wasted. That's why the location of the kitchen should never be in the south direction.


There should never be a bedroom i.e. bedroom in the south direction. It is believed that having a bedroom in this direction hinders sleep and also brings diseases. Apart from this, since this is the direction of the ancestors, having a bedroom in this direction can also cause Pitra Dosh. Along with the bedroom, alcohol should never be consumed in the south direction. Doing this is directly an insult to the forefathers and this leads to Pitra Dosh in the house.

Shoes & Store Room

Shoes, slippers and store room should never be kept in the south direction. To do so is to insult the ancestors. Any such thing in this direction can cause problems in your life and also this direction is the direction of respected ancestors in which keeping shoes and slippers can also destroy the house.

The machinery of any kind

No machinery should be kept in the south direction. According to Vastu Shastra, keeping any such machinery in the south direction works to stop the positive energy of destruction of the house, which brings negative energy into the house. By the way, keeping any heavy item in the south direction is considered good according to Vastu, but keeping any machine should be avoided.

What is the opinion of the expert?

Vastu Expert MadhuKotia Ji tells that Vastu is the ancient Indian science of architecture. The main principle of Vastu is that man is influenced by his surroundings. This means that our health, wealth and happiness are all dependent on the environment we live in. The South corner is considered auspicious in Vastu and can be a good place to keep your most valuable possessions such as jewellery or paintings.

Whenever you talk about the south direction of the house, before keeping any item there, you should follow the rules of Vastu, so that there will be happiness and prosperity in the house.

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