There is no doubt that drinking green tea is more beneficial for health than tea made from milk, sugar, and tea leaves. Most health experts recommend drinking this herbal tea to reduce weight and remove many problems, but do you know that if some special things are added to green tea, its properties increase a lot? Today we are mentioning those 4 things that mixing with green tea can have health benefits.

Mixing these things in green tea is beneficial
1. Ginger

Ginger is such a spice, the use of which increases the taste of food, but do you know that if it is mixed with green tea, it can benefit health in many ways? With its help, not only does immunity increase, but it also prevents dangerous and deadly diseases like cancer.

2. Mint Leaves and Cinnamon
Some people add mint leaves and cinnamon to green tea, this boosts the immunity of the body and also improves digestion. Since there is no hunger for a long time after consuming it, weight also starts reducing.

3. Lemon
If lemon is mixed with green tea, its bitter taste is slightly reduced and it also helps in increasing antioxidants which ultimately benefits our body. If you want more effect then mix lemon juice in the end.

4. Stevia leaves
Stevia is a safe sweetener and it can add sweetness to green tea without causing any harm. If you consume it regularly then not only the calories will be less but also the blood sugar level will be reduced. Often diabetic patients are advised to drink green tea in this way.