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We all know very well that Vastu Shastra has a very important place in human life because, in Vastu Shastra, many rules and solutions have been given to solve every smallest problem related to human life. It is mentioned in Vaastu Shastra that there are some people who work very hard to earn money but despite everything they are not able to make progress in their life, then let us tell you that the reason for this can also be some mistakes in the object. If you make some mistakes related to the things in the house, then you may have to face a lot of trouble and you may also get completely drowned in debt due to which poverty starts coming into your house. Let us tell you through this article about those mistakes which cause a shortage of paddy at home. Let us know in detail -

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* There is darkness at the main entrance of the house.

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that if there is darkness at the main entrance of your house, then it is considered very inauspicious. Let us tell you that if there is darkness at the main entrance of the house, then your work gets spoiled. And because of this, even after working very hard, you are not able to succeed in your work.

* Keeping broken photographs in the house:

You must have heard that keeping a broken photograph in the house is very inauspicious because it leads to discord in family relationships. The possibility of disputes increases in that house. Therefore, if there is a broken photograph in your house, then take it out immediately.

* Keep things in an organized manner in the house:

According to Vaastu Shastra, it is said that if you throw your clothes, shoes, slippers, etc. here and there in the house without keeping them properly, then it is very inauspicious because by doing so, Goddess Lakshmi gets very angry and due to this there are bad things in your house. There is a shortage of money, hence always keep all the things in the house in an organized manner.

Photo Credit: TV9 Bharatvarsh

* Do not keep doors and windows open:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that never keep the doors and windows of the house completely open. Let us tell you that by doing this, bad and negative energy starts entering the house due to which problems start appearing in your house.

* Do not waste water:

It is seen that many people have a habit of leaving the tap open and letting the water flow, but do you know that according to Vastu Shastra, this is very inauspicious and because of this you may have to face health-related problems. This may happen and you may also become mentally weak.

* Do not use these things at night:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that things like perfume should not be used at night because due to its strong aroma, negative energy starts circulating in your house.

* Bat's residence is inauspicious:

According to Vastu Shastra, it is said that the residence of bats in the house is considered very inauspicious, and due to this, Vaastu defects always remain in your house, that is why you should always take such measures so that these birds like bats do not come in the house.