Uterine lump, also known as fibroid, is a very painful medical condition in women. It is usually caused by hormonal imbalance. Sometimes there are no symptoms in the initial stage. But its most common symptoms include heavy periods, abdominal pain and frequent urination. Treatment of fibroid depends on its size. In such a situation, sometimes surgery is also required.

But according to a case study published in Research Gate, fibroids can be cured even without surgery. A 43-year-old woman's uterine lump has been cured with the help of yoga without surgery. According to the report, by doing yoga twice a day for three months, the lump started drying up. These 5 yogas were mainly included in it-

Yogasanas for lump in uterus-
Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar is an asana that warms up the whole body and increases blood circulation. It strengthens the muscles around the uterus and helps in maintaining the balance of hormones.

Tadasana (Parvatasana)
Tadasana or Parvatasana straightens the spine and balances the body. It helps in improving the function of the abdominal organs and increases the blood flow to the uterus.

Trikonasana makes the body flexible and strengthens the abdominal organs. It helps in reducing stress and balances the hormone levels.

Naukasana strengthens the abdominal organs and improves the digestive system. It increases the blood flow to the uterus and helps in reducing back pain.

Setubandhasana makes the spine flexible and improves the function of the thyroid gland. It helps reduce stress and balances hormone levels.

Why is yoga effective for fibroid tumors?

Yoga helps reduce stress, which is an important factor in the development of fibroids. Along with this, yoga balances blood circulation and hormones which work to dry the lump in the uterus.

Keep these things in mind before doing yoga in fibroids-
Always consult your doctor before doing yoga. Do yoga under the guidance of a yoga expert. If you feel any pain during yoga, stop immediately.

(PC: Freepik)