We live in a civilized society and we have many responsibilities towards it. Whichever society you live in, there must be many rules in place that tell you what you can and cannot do within the society. Despite this, many times such cases come to light in which people do something in their society due to which they have to go to jail. Therefore, it becomes important for you to know what mistakes you should not make in your society. Otherwise, you too may go to jail. So let's know about this. You can know about it in detail further…

Avoid making these mistakes:-
Number 1

One thing you should ensure is that your neighbors do not face any trouble because of you. If you are having a party at home, making noise, or doing any wrong activity and it is causing trouble to your neighbors, then appropriate action can be taken against you. Therefore avoid making such mistakes.

Number 2
Never talk rudely or fight with anyone in your society. Many times people fight over small issues with security guards, housemaids, cleaners neighbors, etc. Don't do this at all. If you complain to the police after doing this, you may have to go to jail. Therefore stay away from such things.

Number 3
Many people are fond of keeping dogs or cats. In such a situation, if you also have a pet, then keep in mind that your animal should not harm any child or elder, etc. While taking the dog out for a walk or outside, make sure to wear a mask on the dog's mouth so that it cannot bite anyone. This is also because if someone faces problems because of your pet, appropriate action can be taken against you.

Number 4
Every society has its own rules, which you should follow. Yes, if you find any rule wrong, you can talk to the society or manager. But you should follow the rules of the society. Generally, there are rules of the society like not making noise at night, not misbehaving with anyone after drinking alcohol, not fighting, etc.