Rain has knocked in the country. Along with monsoon rains and greenery, humidity and heat have also knocked in the weather. There is an age-old tradition of fasting in religious traditions during this season to purify the body/soul and increase the body's immunity against various diseases. Since skin is the largest organ of the body, it is important to take care of it. Skin related beauty problems are seen in this season. In this season, pimples, boils, rashes etc. prove to be harmful for the skin. Many measures are suggested for its treatment and prevention. Skin fasting treatment is considered very effective because apart from dust, sunlight and pollution, makeup and cosmetics also cause a lot of harm to the skin. Skin fasting maintains the skin in its natural state. And during this time the skin is kept away from beauty products and makeup, which gives relief to the skin.

Actually “Skin Fasting” is similar to the way we fast in monsoon to purify the body and soul. In skin fasting we allow the skin to work naturally the way it works without cosmetics. The main objective of skin fasting is to remove the skin's dependence on cosmetics, but basic skin hygiene like cleansing, moisturizing should be continued during skin fasting.

Skin fasting is also similar to normal fasting in that we adopt “skin fasting” as per the needs of the skin. Skin fasting can be done for one week to one month. Meanwhile, it helps neutralize the effects of chemical elements present in cosmetics on the skin. During this period it helps in strengthening the natural system of the skin and fighting the impurities/disorders of the skin caused by indiscriminate use of cosmetics. One becomes wise and comes to know which cosmetics are beneficial or harmful for the skin.

At the beginning of the "Skin Fast" do not apply any cosmetics after washing your face. During skin fasting, do not stop using all cosmetics but do it step by step. Do skin fast once in the first week and then increase as per skin trend. First of all, stop using cosmetics at night and let the skin refresh naturally with natural oils. To prevent any damage to the skin, wash your face with lukewarm water as soon as you wake up in the morning. If your skin is dry then it is important to moisturize it.

Mainly when we use cosmetics we try to enhance the skin as per our understanding, due to which the natural cycle of the skin gets affected. For example, applying moisturizer or face oil helps the skin realize it doesn't need to produce natural sebum. Similarly, by using exfoliants like retinol, alpha hydroxy acid or beta hydroxy acid, we chemically exfoliate the cells in the skin.

For "Skin Fasting" you also have to understand the nature of your skin. If you notice changes in your skin after skin fasting, you will understand what cosmetics your skin needs.

But skin fasting can deprive the skin of essential nutrients and have adverse effects on skin health such as the sun rays can burn your skin if you stop using sunscreen.

Skin fasting should always be done under the supervision of a beauty expert. If you are suffering from pimples, acne, rashes etc. then do not do skin fasting because such skin needs regular nutrients. But if you are going to start your skin routine afresh then skin fasting is best but always make sure to use a good sunscreen before stepping out of the house.

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