Unified Payment Interface (UPI) is being used today not only in India but in many countries of the world. Even though UPI started in India, gradually the whole world is accepting it. UPI has reached everyone, but there are many problems with it. The first problem is that of payment getting stuck. Many times payments get stuck due to bank servers being down and sometimes due to weak internet. In today's report, we will talk to you about some problems with UPI payment and their solutions.

Check UPI Payment Limit
Many banks also put payments on hold because the daily limit is reached. For example, if you have a Jan Dhan account, you can do only 6 UPI transactions in a month. Apart from this, there is a daily limit of Rs 1 lakh for other accounts. If the limit is reached then yours may go on hold.

Link more than one account
Many times problems arise due to bank servers. To avoid this problem, link more than one bank account with one UPI ID. There is no solution if you have only one bank account. The advantage of linking two accounts will be that if the server of one bank is down, payment can be made from the other.

If you enter the UPI PIN incorrectly, the payment may get stuck or fail. In such a situation, take care of the PIN also. If you have forgotten the PIN, reset it.

Internet connection
Internet connection is very important for UPI payment. If there is any problem with the internet connection then your payment may stop. If there is less signal in the phone then do not make the payment or make the payment by taking a hotspot from someone.

Use of UPI Lite
If you do not need much payment then UPI Lite is best. Its advantage is that there will be no role of the internet in this and there will be no problem with the bank's server also. Through UPI Lite, you can make payments up to Rs 4,000 twice daily.

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