If we want to keep digestion healthy, then our intestines need to be healthy. Many times crores of bacteria start growing in the intestine which can badly affect the body's function. It is very important to recognize this condition in time, otherwise, you may become excessively ill. Let us know how you will know whether there are worms in the intestine or not.

Many times you must have felt that after an hour of eating, you feel a burning sensation like acid in your throat the acid released in the stomach to digest the food starts coming up to the throat, finding out where the intestine is. There are no insects in me.

If you have a complaint of flatulence for several days, then it should not be taken lightly at all. In such a situation, get the necessary tests done immediately and find out if there are any worms in the stomach, which are troubling you.

There is a complaint of constipation and diarrhea when there is any kind of problem in the intestines, such a situation arises when you start consuming unhealthy or stale foods, it is better to prefer fresh and healthy food only.

If there is excessive gas filling due to indigestion in the stomach, then understand that there is something wrong in the intestine, often this happens due to the growth of bacteria in the intestine, which is a dangerous condition. You should see a doctor immediately.

When you release gas through the anus, then there is severe pain in this anus, which indicates that the worms present in the stomach have created upheaval. Better get it treated as soon as possible.

(PC: Freepik)