Everyone wants to enjoy travelling and trips to the fullest. Everyone wants to take some time off their busy schedule and spend peace and leisure time with their loved ones. Some go to the mountains and some go to the beach for a holiday, but often the fun while travelling gets spoiled when you suffer from constipation.

When the place changes, air and water also change. If daily routine is also affected, it has a direct impact on the digestive system. This causes the problem of constipation. Many people suffer from constipation while travelling, and are unable to enjoy the trip freely. If you are also one of those people, then we are telling you some solutions to get rid of it. Let us know how to avoid constipation while travelling.

Relieve constipation while travelling with the help of these tips

Drink enough water

During travel, we often drink less water to avoid frequent urination, which can cause constipation. There is difficulty in passing stool. In such a situation, drink an adequate amount of water and keep yourself hydrated by drinking fresh fruit juice. If you have time, try to drink hot water also. This makes it easier to pass stool.

Triphala powder

Dietician Kajal Aggarwal advises to carry Triphala powder while travelling. Experts say that wherever you go, eat Triphala powder before sleeping. This will clean your stomach easily in the morning.

Eat seasonal fruits

Wherever you travel, you will find fibre-rich seasonal fruits everywhere. In such a situation, you should consume those fruits. They contain fiber which keeps digestion healthy. If you want, you can also carry these fruits with you. You can eat apples, cucumbers, carrots, oranges i.e. whatever fruit is available in the season. This also keeps your digestive system healthy and you do not have the problem of constipation.

Do a workout

During travel, we often eat and drink away from our routine and diet. In such a situation, try not to eat too much junk food and also do not forget to do physical activity. You must cover 10 thousand steps.

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