Indian train transports people from one place to another daily. The journey becomes even more comfortable due to the facilities like AC facility, catering arrangement, confirmed seat and toilet in the train. You can travel in it from slipper to AC class. Provided that you have to take out the train ticket a little earlier because there are many routes on which it seems a bit difficult to get train tickets. Even though now people have started booking tickets online, even today a large section goes to the station and books tickets from the counter. But have you ever thought about what would happen if you lose your train ticket? Will you be able to travel in such a situation or not? So let's know without delay what the railway rules say on this. You can learn about this in the next slides...

What does the rule say?
Suppose you are traveling by train and your ticket is lost, then even in such a situation, you can travel by train. Yes, it is because a railway rule allows you to do so.

Actually, under this rule, if your ticket is lost, then you have to take a new ticket with a fine of Rs 50. Now you must be thinking that you have to buy a new ticket by paying the fine. In such a situation, you should know one thing. The thing is that if you do not do this, then you can be fined not only 50 rupees but a lot more fine under the rules of the railway.

Contact TTE
If your ticket is lost during the journey, you have to meet TTE and tell him that your ticket is lost. In such a situation TTE issues you a new ticket.

If you want, you can also change your destination station while booking a new ticket. For example, if you were going from Delhi to Kanpur, but you want, you can also make a new ticket from Delhi to Varanasi.

(PC: Freepik)