Almost everyone likes drizzling rain. At this time it is raining heavily in almost every part of India. The weather becomes pleasant in monsoon, but this season also brings many problems.

In the monsoon, from clothes to walls and food items, wooden furniture gets stained with mildew. Due to frequent rainwater, the wooden gate gets stained with mildew, due to which the gate starts rotting.

In this article, we are going to tell you some tips and tricks, by following which you can clean the mildew stains on the wooden gate in a few minutes.

First tips to save wooden gates in monsoon

In the monsoon, waterfalls repeatedly on the wooden gate and there is a fear of damage, then you can save it by using plastic. For this, you will need big plastic. After taking the plastic, apply it on the gate and stick it well with tape or any other thing. Leave the plastic like this throughout the monsoon. Due to this, there will be no damage to the gate from rainwater.

Clean mildew stains with baking soda

Baking soda must have been used to remove marks or mildew stains from many things like kitchen tiles, bathroom tiles, clothes, shoes etc. In such a situation, let us tell you that in monsoon, you can use baking soda to remove the mildew stains on the wooden gate. Follow this step-

  • First of all, put 3-4 teaspoons of baking soda in a vessel.
  • Now add 1/2 cup of water and mix it.
  • After this, dip the cleaning brush in the mixture and rub it thoroughly on the mildew stain.
  • After cleaning the stain, wipe it with a fresh cloth.

Clean mildew stains with ammonia powder

Ammonia powder can also be a great option for easy removal of mildew stains from wooden furniture. Using this, you can easily clean stubborn stains. Follow these steps-

  • First of all, put 2-3 spoons of ammonia powder in a vessel.
  • After this add 1 cup of water to it and mix it.
  • After this, heat the mixture lightly and clean the stain by dipping the brush in the mixture.
  • After cleaning, wipe the gate with a cloth.

Other tips for removing mildew stains from wood gates

You can remove mildew stains from wooden gates using baking soda and ammonia powder, among many other things. A mixture of lemon and salt, vinegar and bleach powder can also be used to clean mildew stains.