In today's time, most people are very worried due to their weight and obesity. Fat accumulated around the waist and stomach not only spoils your looks but also has a bad effect on everything from diabetes to heart health etc. Therefore, it is very important to reduce obesity, so that the person can remain healthy. Very few people are aware that sometimes fat can also accumulate around internal organs like the stomach, liver or intestine, which is called visceral fat. This fat is even more dangerous. Also, this fat does not go away from the body quickly. Therefore, it can be reduced only gradually.

It may take time to reduce visceral fat, but when you adopt a healthy lifestyle, visceral fat can be reduced naturally. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you which methods you should adopt to reduce visceral fat-

Do exercise

If you want to reduce visceral fat, then you should keep yourself active. Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. You can do any kind of workout. If possible, include both cardio and strength training in your workout routine. However, if you are a beginner then you can also start with walking. But gradually increase the intensity of your workout.

Take healthy diet

Diet not only helps in keeping you healthy, but through it, you can also burn your extra fat. Diet also plays an important role in reducing visceral fat. Therefore, pay special attention to your diet to reduce visceral fat. Try to include lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables in your diet. As far as possible, stay away from trans-fat, refined sugar, sodium and processed foods.

Do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is considered very good for weight loss. In this, you change your eating pattern and eat only at a fixed time. Changing your eating pattern helps you a lot in reducing visceral fat.

Sleep well

Often we do not pay attention to this, but sleep also plays an important role in reducing visceral fat. Therefore, try to get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. When you do not get enough sleep, instead of reducing visceral fat, the risk of it increasing significantly increases.

Manage your stress

Stress is the root of many types of problems. If you want to reduce visceral fat naturally, then you will also have to try to reduce your stress. Remember that stress activates a hormone called cortisol in your body. This hormone can trigger increased storage of visceral fat. Therefore, do yoga or meditation to reduce your stress.

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