Any kind of pigmentation on the face spoils the look of your skin. Most people think that pigmentation only means freckles, but it is not so. Black or brown rashes on the face, spots and blackness emerging in the skin due to some diseases also come under pigmentation. The problem of pigmentation is not just related to the face. There can be genetic reasons behind this as well. Pigmentation can also occur due to a drug reaction.

Social media influencer and founder of Jaipur's Jasmine Beauty Clinic and Academy Dr. Manoj Das have shared information related to this on social media. Along with DIY hacks, he has also told us that to cure the problem of pigmentation; you should take diet and medical assistance according to your health condition. As mentioned earlier.

Diet will have to be taken care of

According to DrManoj, if you have got this due to any disease, then you have to include more and more nutrients and minerals in your diet. Coconut water, foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, etc. can prove to be helpful for your skin.

DIY Beauty Hacks

You need 6 things to make this DIY cream-

  • 2 teaspoons aloe vera gel
  • 2 Vitamin-E capsules
  • 1 tsp fresh orange juice
  • 2 Vitamin-C tablets
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon rose water

All these ingredients will also moisturize the skin as well as reduce pigmentation. Keep all these ingredients in an airtight container. You must do a patch test on your skin before applying it. If there is any kind of irritation or rashes on the skin, then do not apply it.

It is to be noted that orange juice is a very fermentable ingredient. That's why you can't use old juice. You can keep this cream only for five to seven days.

What is a DIY diet hack?

We can use honey for the problem of pigmentation. See, there are many such properties in honey which are enough to give a glowing look to our skin.

The National Institute of Health's report ' Honey and Health: A Review of Recent Clinical Research ' states that honey has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Therefore, along with eating it, applying it on the skin can also be beneficial. Yes, you have to take care that the honey is pure. in addition, you can also add a pinch of black pepper. By doing this papain (papain) enzyme is available which helps in the absorption of natural elements in the skin. However, it doesn't suit everyone so use it with care.

The third ingredient would be turmeric. You have to add less than 1/4 tsp turmeric. Along with this, you have to add half a teaspoon of neem powder to it which can reduce irritation and infection. Mix all these things to make a paste and eat it.

See home remedies are never magic and they don't suit everyone. In such a situation, you must consult your doctor before trying any recipe related to diet.