Peeling of the skin around the fingers is a very common problem and we all have experienced it at one point or another. As such, peeling of the skin around the fingers is not a matter of serious concern. But when the skin starts peeling, then a person may have to face difficulty in doing his daily activities. Not only this, but it can also cause symptoms like itching, rash, redness or swelling.

Explain that peeling of the fingertips is a condition in which the top layer of your skin or the epidermis around the nails becomes dry and eventually starts peeling off. Generally, it is believed that this problem can be caused due to climate change, allergies or some skin conditions. Once skin peeling causes a lot of pain to the person. But if you adopt some small measures, then you can save the skin around your fingers from peeling. So, today in this article, we are telling you about some such measures-

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Often hands come in contact with many types of chemicals or if you use such skin products, which can make the skin dry, then the chances of skin peeling increase manifold. So always remember to wear gloves on your hands while using harsh cleaning products. Also, choose your skin care products wisely.

Take care of your diet

Eat a balanced diet to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Also, drink plenty of water. This does not make your skin dry and the chances of skin peeling are greatly reduced.

Use moisturizer

We all apply moisturizer on our faces, but must also apply it to our skin. Especially, if there is a problem of skin peeling due to dryness in your hands, then it becomes necessary to use moisturizer regularly. Always keep a small moisturizer bottle with you and apply it whenever required.

Avoid hot water

Often we use hot water while taking baths or while doing household chores, but hot water can also increase the problem of dryness in the skin. Due to this, the skin can peel off. So, try not to let your fingers come in contact with hot water. Use hot water only if necessary. Not only do this but forget to pamper your hands afterwards.

Do not use sanitizer again and again

You may feel more comfortable using a sanitizer. But using sanitizer repeatedly makes the skin dry. Alcohol is also used in this, which can dry your skin. Hence, it is advised to avoid using sanitizer multiple times a day. It would be better if you hand wash when needed. Limit the use of sanitizers and opt for light or herbal ones instead of alcohol-based sanitizers.

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