Some of us have dryness on our feet, especially the heels. Due to this, the skin becomes hard and cracks start appearing on the heels. With dryness, the area around the ankles becomes thick and cracks when the skin is put under pressure. Many factors cause this, including obesity, open-heeled footwear, dry skin, etc.

The friction in the feet makes this more difficult, so choosing the right shoes and socks is important, in addition to keeping the skin clean and moisturized. Moisturizer softens your skin and helps seal in moisture. Losing excess weight can also reduce pressure on your heels and reduce cracking.

In this article, we are also going to tell you some such methods, with the help of which you will be able to help in making your feet soft.

Don’t keep feet wet for too long

Don't let your feet soak in water for too long. If possible, do not soak them in water for more than 5-10 minutes. Prolonged exposure to water can dry out the skin and cause cracked heels. Even if you are doing a pedicure, the feet should not be immersed in excessive water. Apart from this, it is very important to clean and dry the feet properly.

Use natural cleanser

A gentle and fragrance-free cleanser should be used to clean your feet. Scented products can cause skin irritation. And fragrance-free cleansers help retain the natural oils in your feet. It also does not allow the skin to become dry.

Scrub feet gently

After soaking your feet, use a loofah or foot scrubber to exfoliate dead skin cells from your heels. However, note that does not scrub the feet too much. This can increase the pain in the cracks. Use gentle pressure on your feet. Apart from this, keep in mind that the loofah must be washed and dried.

Apply coconut oil or Vaseline

If your feet crack a lot, it means that the glands present in the feet are not doing their job and are not able to seal the moisture. You must always keep your feet moisturized. Before going to bed, clean your feet and apply plain petroleum jelly or coconut oil. After this, wear socks and leave them like this overnight.

Protect your feet

Don't be barefoot at all. Protect your feet. Apply moisturizer to cracked heels in the afternoon and wear light socks. Apart from this, prepare a protective barrier by applying a bandage, this will reduce the pain and also heal the wound. This will also prevent germs from entering the cracks.

Wear the right shoes

Wearing the right footwear is also very important for cracked heels. If your heels are dry and cracked, avoid wearing open-toed shoes. If your shoes are worn from the bottom or do not fit properly, then you should not wear such shoes. You should wear soft and cushioned shoes that do not put pressure on the ankles.

Sometimes, cracked heels can be caused by a medical condition, such as diabetes. If your cracked heels are severe and painful, talk to a board-certified dermatologist.

Image Credit: Freepik


Your skin and body are as different as you are. We endeavour to bring you correct, safe and expert-verified information through our articles and social media handles, but still, you must consult your doctor before trying any home remedy, hack or fitness tip.