What do you know about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? This disorder has been named OCD. Nowadays it has become a very common term which many people do not even know properly. How many times has it happened that you have checked something, but the thought has come to your mind to see it again? This can be a habit as well as a symptom of OCD. But how to identify which symptom is OCD? Today we are going to give you information about this disorder.

Dr Bhawna Barmi, Senior Child and Clinical Psychologist, at Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Founder, of Happiness Studio, gave us some important insights about OCD. He believes that people mistake even small habits such as OCD and due to this, the disease has become generalised. According to Dr Bhavna, "It should be seen as a psychological disorder. Washing hands 7-8 times a day may be your habit, but giving it the name of OCD, it seems that such symptoms are normal."

What is OCD?

This is a kind of psychological disorder in which a person does the same thing again and again. Obsession happens about one thing. We start considering this behaviour of ours as correct. If you think that there is only one type of OCD, then you are wrong. There are four types of OCD and each type has different symptoms.

How to know if you have OCD?

Some symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder need to be taken care of. These include doing the same thing over and over again, doing things in a certain way without wanting to, and feeling anxious or nervous when things don't go your way. Sometimes people's actions change completely due to OCD. There may be an urge to wash hands again and again, there may be an urge to check the lock or door again and again, and there may be a strong urge to count the notes in the same way.

The difference between normal habit and OCD is that if you have this disorder, you will feel anxiety when nothing happens according to your expectation. In some severe cases, you may even have seizures. Your reactions will be quick in such cases.

What are the types of OCD?

  • There are four types of OCD according to Dr Bhavana
  • The first is a strong desire for cleanliness and germophobia. There is a desire to repeatedly wash hands, clean or take a bath.
  • The second is to check things like lock, locker, assignment etc. till you harm yourself.
  • The third is symmetry and doing things in the same order. If something is kept in some other place, then there is a lot of worry or anxiety.
  • The fourth is to have strange and forbidden thoughts. For example, if you have repeated thoughts of harming someone beyond your worth, thoughts of sexual violence.

What makes OCD even more dangerous?

OCD is made worse by stress. Lack of sleep, poor diet, certain medical conditions, lack of treatment, and frequent OCD triggers can make this problem worse. If someone has OCD, they should try not to have anxiety triggers.

Is it OCD for women to check things repeatedly?

According to Dr Bhawna, only the habit of checking things cannot be called OCD. Yes, if this habit is increasing too much and you are getting anxiety without doing certain things, then it can be OCD. Dr Bhavna says, "It needs to be understood that every person's personality has a habit of repeating things to some extent. In such a situation, it would be wrong to consider it as OCD."

If you have any doubts about your behaviour or thoughts, it would be better to discuss them with a mental health expert.


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