Cracked Heels Many times in the running of the day, you do not get time to take care of your face, in such a situation, how should we take care of our feet? At least it happens to me. Trouble always increases due to cracked heels because pain also starts in them. You must try to heal your cracked heels from the very beginning. If cracked heels are left like this for a long time, they can also lead to foot infection.

Although dermatologists can give you many creams and medicines that can eliminate the problem of cracked heels, instead you can try some remedies at home.

We spoke to Miss Pooja Nagdev, Aromatherapist and Cosmetologist and founder of INATUR to find out how to make the best foot soak for cracked heels at home.

Foot soak for cracked heels

According to Pooja Nagdev, you mix Epsom salt, honey, a few drops of essential oil, a little baking soda and almond oil in the foot soak.

This will make a great foot soak which will help in proper exfoliation of your feet and also give them proper rest. Keep in mind that always mixes all these things in lukewarm water only. Cold water will not help, choose lukewarm water instead. Too hot water can cause further discomfort, so always keep an eye on the temperature.

Aesthetic physician and dermatologist Dr. Saru Singh has shared information related to this on Instagram. He told what kind of tips you can adopt to heal cracked heels.

Always moisturize the feet

To heal cracked heels, you will need a moisturizer. The heels of the feet start cracking because we do not pay attention to them and do not apply moisturizer to the feet at all. Instead of doing this, apply cream to your feet properly. Yes, it will happen that after applying the cream on your feet, you may not have to walk for some time. In such a situation, try to apply the cream only before sleeping at night. So that your feet absorb the moisturizer properly overnight. Instead of normal cream, you can also choose any cream prescribed by the dermatologist. This will end the problem quickly.

There will be a need to reduce the friction of the feet

To manage cracked heels, you need to reduce the friction of the feet. When we walk barefoot for a long time or wear more rigid footwear like heels etc., then the problem of the feet increases. Instead, try to wear cushioned footwear whose sole is stronger. This will also give comfort to the feet and reduce friction while walking.

Stop Using Soap on Feet

You need to stop using more chemical soaps and scrubs. The skin of the feet also needs gentle skin care products. In such a situation, choose moisturizing cleansers, due to which the skin care will be done properly. Keep one more thing in mind if the heels are very cracked, then first start the process of healing them and do not exfoliate them too much.

Diabetes and cracked heels

If you have any problem like diabetes or thyroid, then you have to take care of your health. It is very important to take care of your health because it can cause many problems in the rest of the body. If we consider foot care only as a skin issue, then it is also not correct.

DrSaroo has also suggested using foot soaks to relax oneself and take care of the health of the feet. A foot soak made with Epsom salts can also provide relief from foot pain.

Sometimes blood starts coming out from the ankles and due to infection, there is also a problem of pus. If the heels cause more problems, then definitely take the advice of a doctor.

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