You must have often seen that some people fall ill very often. At the same time, some people do not easily fall prey to infections. People with weak immunity get attacked by diseases quickly. People who have strong immunity do not fall ill easily and even when they fall ill, they recover quickly. The reason behind this is the strengthening or weakening of any person's immunity. Due to a lack of essential nutrients in the body, immunity also becomes weak and the body starts feeling tired. To avoid infections and keep diseases away, it is considered important to include some special things in the diet. Properties of natural anti-biotics are found in these things. Dietitian Radhika Goyal is telling us about this. Radhika is a certified dietitian and nutritionist.


Garlic is full of properties. Anti-microbial properties are found in it. It can help in fighting bacteria, viruses and other infections. Eating a clove of garlic on an empty stomach is considered very beneficial. This also boosts immunity.


Neem has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is considered very beneficial in removing many types of infections and skin-related problems. Applying Neem paste on the face can remove spots and blemishes. At the same time, eating it also prevents many diseases.


Turmeric not only brings colour to the food, but it also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric contains curcumin, due to which it is beneficial for health. It can cure many infections including cold and cough.


Ginger is used in almost all Indian homes. Eating this boosts immunity. Ginger helps our body fight infections by reducing inflammation.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is not only used in skin care, but due to its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, it helps in fighting infections and keeps the body healthy.

By including these things in your diet, you can avoid infections and many seasonal diseases. Along with this, take a healthy diet and do exercise.

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