Cases of viral fever are increasing rapidly in many parts of the country. There are long queues of patients in hospitals. In such a situation, if you are even a little careless, you can also fall prey to the disease. Especially for people whose immunity is weak, their chances of getting infected are very high. In this changing season, if you also want to protect yourself from falling prey to viral fever, then these measures suggested by experts may be useful for you.

Tips To Prevent Viral Fever

Avoid eating outside

If you want to protect yourself from viral fever, first of all, you have to take care of your diet. During this period, you can easily fall prey to infection by eating or drinking outside. In such a situation, try to eat only fresh and hot home-cooked food.

Boost immunity

Work on boosting immunity to prevent infection. You should consume herbal tea at least twice a day. Drinking tea of ​​cloves and basil can be beneficial because both of them are rich in antiviral properties.

Stay hydrated

Try to stay hydrated to avoid infection. Because when you remain hydrated, toxins are easily removed from the body. Whenever you drink water, boil it and drink it.

Wear a mask

If you are travelling or going out of the house, then definitely wear a mask, it is possible that the person near you may be infected and the disease may spread to you too. In such a situation, wear a mask and take special care of sanitizing. Use hand sanitizer while travelling.

Eat a balanced diet

To avoid viral infections, include green vegetables, fruits and Vitamin C-rich foods in your diet. Avoid eating fried food.


Take full care of cleanliness. Avoid touching your face, mouth and nose without washing hands. If someone in your house is infected with viral fever, then avoid coming in contact with the sick person.

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